But I digress.
We wanted chickens. We wanted fresh eggs, and clucking, and silly birds, and kids going outside to feed/water/clean/gather eggs. We wanted them to scratch around in our garden and to poop and help things grow. So when we had moved into the house, and we saw the sign at Ace Hardware that says "We have chicks!" I marched right in, picked out the 4 I would want, and paid for them. You don't get to bring them home right away, you have to wait for your chicks to be delivered to the store, and then you can pick them up. So, I had to wait a week. Which felt like forever. In the meantime, I got their brooder all set up for them

Super easy (since we were unpacking and had a TON of boxes around).
Here's what you need (my notes are in parenthesis - these are things I learned after we brought the chicks home from experience):
- box (sometimes you will see suggestions that you use a round brooder, because apparently chicks can get stuck in the corners of the box and suffocate. I never had a problem with it.)
- Lining for the box - maybe some plastic sheeting or a cookie sheet or something because
- chickens make a mess and it soaks through your box
- they spill their water and it soaks through your box
- they peck at the bottom of your box and when you pick it up, the bedding falls out of your box and makes a mess on your newly-mopped floor
- Pine shavings - they sell this in a big bale at the store as well. We buy ours from a local tack & feed shop, because I have to spend the money on it, and I would rather support a local business than a big chain like Wal-Mart, but you can buy it there too.
- Chick feeder (maybe $3 at the store - not a big deal)
- Chick waterer (again, a couple of bucks - but ESSENTIAL! Chickens are very succeptible to dehydration. Keep water in there AT ALL TIMES)
- Heat lamp (they will need heat on them 24 hours a day until they are fully feathered.
Ok, so now I have all of supplies... I need chickens,
Ah! Aren't they adorable?? Lookit! I got the box, and the guy at Ace Hardware placed the 4 chicks into the box and then I felt like I was just nailed to the floor. I walked over to the paint counter where J was buying some paint and showed him the chicks. "That's nice, honey."
Wait. "That's nice, honey"?! He wasn't instantly enamored with their sweet little peeps?
"Babe? Why don't you put the box down in the shopping care so you can help me with this paint?"
"I can't."
"Uhm... why?"
"Because if I put them down, how will they know that I love them?"
*huge eye roll*
Guys. I'm serious. These chicks were the sweetest things! After we got them home, I would sit with them on the sofa (on top of a towel, because their poop is disgusting) and just talk with them and watch TV with them. They fall asleep so fast - its kind of like an infant. One minute: playing. The next: sleep. And they didn't know how to settle down and sit yet, so they literally just fell over and slept.
This is Cali, by the way - see her cute little black spots? Couldn't you just squeeze her? But please don't.
J says "I want a refund. These aren't chickens. These are fluffy marshmallows." And he was right.
This is Claire. Her full name is Chanteclaire - because J and I are 80's kids, and we couldn't have chickens in our house without a 'Rockadoodle' reference. She's a black Cochin. And probably the cutest thing ever. See those little feathers on her feet? Cochins have feathers on their legs and feet! It looks like she's wearing a frumpy set of sweats! I love it.
You know what else I love? That my kids think these chickens are adorable, too!
G2 is holding Del, who fell asleep. Because that's the only thing that makes this any cuter.
The only thing more fun than having chickens in the house? Taking chickens outside to play in their playpen! They were still too young to just be turned out there, even if I was watching, so I fashioned a play pen out of PVC pipe and bird netting. Closed on the top and all 4 sides, so you basically plop your chicks down, and then slip the pen over the top of them.
Safe and sound and getting their first taste of being outside.
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