Friday, December 9, 2016

Washable Crayons

While J will help me put away laundry, and if I have been really behind on taming the laundry beast that week, he WILL help me wash – I am generally on my own when it comes to the loading, sorting, drying, folding… blah blah blah blah.  I hate laundry. 

One particular day I was folding clothes that I had just pulled out of the dryer.  You know that fresh, hot, wonderful newly-cleaned feeling when you have laundry that just came out of the dryer?  That’s the best.  Of course that wasn’t what I was dealing with, because that would imply that I had actually pulled the laundry OUT of the dryer as soon as it was done.  And that’s just crazy talk.  No, this was cold, rumpled, and as I got further into the load I noticed something else that was a bit peculiar.  It was stained. Like, bright red blotches of stain all over every single piece of clothing that I had in that over-loaded hamper.  Of course I had to investigate.  The empty, partially-disintegrated crayon wrappers in the dryer lent trap that I totally always empty before every load (guilty look) confirmed that it was melted crayon.  Ugh.

At this point you just throw your head back, let out a frustrated groan and think “really? REALLY?”  Oh well, they’re little boys, right?  They don’t know any better.  I calmly called them into the room with me, and said “Boys?  When you put your clothes in the hamper, can you make sure your pockets are empty?  Someone left a crayon in their pockets and look…” I hold up the now-ruined clothes to show them.  To my dismay there were no gasps of outrage, no tears of injustice, no mourning for the clothing budget spent on sharp-looking school clothes that were now relegated to play clothes only. 

G1 didn’t even look up he just said “Okay mom, sure.” And leaves the room

 G2 says “No its ok mom, it says on the box that they’re washable crayons.” 

All you can do is blink a few times to try to process that information, and then move on.  
Now its just me and the ruined laundry pile, getting to be GREAT buddies.  At least I'm getting those stains out.  IF you find yourself in the same situation, grab you some of these little miracles.  Wish me luck!

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