Friday, February 24, 2017

Control Freak

We are experiencing a period of renewal here at our home.  We have embarked on new adventures, resurrected old dreams, realized new goals, and embraced the journey.  The saying "take a leap of faith" can sound daunting, but wow - that faithful free-fall is exhilarating when you realize that letting go of control isn't what you think it is.  I am a Type-A personality, and feeling "in control" is a big deal for me.  I do not like surprises.  I do love a plan.  Recently God has been working on my heart to impress upon me I was NEVER actually in control of my life.  I was NEVER actually in control of my family.  God was.  And is.  And surrendering to that knowledge has been one of the most freeing actions I have ever taken.

There have been some very challenging times in the past few weeks, and in the midst of one of them I found myself in tears in my pastor's office.  I said "I know that there is nothing I can do, but that feels so wrong.  I should be able to do this.  I should be able to affect a change in this situation.  I should be able to have some control over what is going on."  And then it hit me.  This is something that I have said when offering encouragement to others, but had never actually verbalized to myself.  If you are going through any kind of challenge right now, I want you to listen to the following verses. Carefully.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  Philippians 4:13

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

There are absolutely 100% going to be days when I cannot handle what the world throws at me.  There are going to be days - and probably a few of them - where I will not make it through on my own.  And I'm not supposed to.  I am supposed to ask Christ for help.  Philippians 4:13 doesn't say "I can do everything on my own, and if I get into trouble I will ask for help."  God knows our limits, and knowing them for ourselves is the first step to being able to successfully deal with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  We do not have to be strong enough to cope with everything.  We do not have to feel like we are going to fail because we aren't strong enough, either.  We can trust that God will use our weakness as a chance to show His strength.  That by stepping aside and letting God be God, we are doing the most productive thing we can do.

At what point in my life did I decide that I knew better than the Creator what I should and shouldn't be doing?  At what point did I take that power over my life out of His hands?  I don't have that kind of authority, or ability.  What a wise God He is for knowing that eventhough I am going to try to do it on my own, I really can't, and I still need Him.  And what a gracious God He is for not putting me in my place the instant I decided to step over that line.  You know what that reminds me of?  When your toddler tries to dress themselves in the morning, and you have somewhere that you need to be.  "I do it".  Meanwhile you're thinking "Ugh!  No!  You're going to do it wrong, its going to be a mess, and its going to ruin the plans I have for this morning!"  As mothers, do we really say those things?  Of course not.  We encourage their budding independence, we offer help when they can't seem to get one step done, and we wait patiently (outwardly at least!) while they are hunting for the shoes they can't find that are right beside them.  Isn't our Heavenly Father infinitely more patient and helpful when it comes to our lives? We can't see the plans He has for us, although we can trust in the promise that it is good, we don't know what impact our moments of rebellion or unwillingness to listen will have on those plans.

Friends, I want to encourage you, if any of this sounds familiar - if you are someone who is struggling with the feeling that you are losing control, losing the grip that you once had... let go.  Rest in the fact that God is control.  Things in this life may take us by surprise, but they don't take Him by surprise.  He is there for you, ready to help you, ready for you to lean on Him - to call on Him, to rely on Him - at all times.  God isn't just a tool that we pull out for emergencies, to be placed safely back in storage until we need Him again.  He wants to be with you through it all.  He wants that close relationship with you.  He doesn't want you to have to do it on your own.  He really does love us so much.

This song has spoken to me so much lately.  I hope that it blesses and encourages you just as it has me.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Forgotten Chicken

I know you're thinking "How could she forget about her chickens? Is this woman qualified to own animals?!"   Trust me, the girls are fine.

No, no.  I'm talking about a chicken dinner.  That I forgot.  For 2 hours.

Here's the story:

I decided to make a roast chicken for dinner before soccer practice.  I looked up recipes online which told me to roast it at 425 for 30 minutes, and then 350 for an hour.  I thought "great!  I can do the first part before we leave, turn the oven down and it will continue to roast while we are at soccer, and when we get home it will be ready to eat!  Bueno."

But no bueno.  Somehow, I did not correctly adjust the temperature on my oven before we left for soccer (even though I could have sworn that I had), and left the bird in there cooking away, uncovered, at 425 for a further hour.  Then, of course, practice went long.  We were at soccer for an hour and a half.  I got home, smelled the chicken cooking - and NOT burned, and checked the oven.  When I saw that it was still roasting away at 425 I panicked.  I thought "Oh no!  It's ruined.  We are about to renact the Christmas dinner scene from Christmas Vacation.  No one is going to eat this, and I am going to have to take everyone out for dinner."  J had the same thoughts when I pulled this chicken out of the oven.

I reluctantly told everyone to get their shoes on, and decide on a place to eat for dinner, and braced myself for the barage of mom jokes that were sure to come.  It has become a regular thing at my house that whenever I mess something up, it is henceforth referred to as a "Jessi Project".  I don't know why my kids find this so funny, as they were the first two Jessi Projects, but I digress.

As we were about to walk out the door, I decided that I would just check.  If it wasn't too dry, I would eat it when we got home, or I could toss it in soup or something.  Maybe there was some way I could salvage this chicken, and in doing so, my own pride.

Guys, it was perfect.  It was crispy on the outside.  Juicy and tender on the inside.  I gleefully told them "ha ha!  I didn't ruin it!  Set the table!"  We sat down to what has to be the best roasted chicken I have ever made.  It was legendary.  We still talk about it.

Tonight, I got out the chicken to get it washed and ready for roasting.  Instead of the usual groans and sighs of disappointed resignation, I was greeted with "Yes! Forgotten chicken!  This is going to be great! When is dinner?"

I tossed it in the oven, and promptly forgot about it.  I am sure it is going to be just as delicious as last time.  And I can't wait.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Meal Plan - February 2017

My meal plan for January went so well, I figured that I should do one for February, too.  28 days.  This time, I did repeat some meals - mainly because these were the favorites that were asked to be repeated, and we have a lot of stuff coming up this month and I don't want to try to figure out new recipes.

2/1 - Spinach stuffed shells (make a big batch, freeze half for later)
2/2 - chicken enchiladas (same)
2/3 - DIY Pizzas
2/4 - Roast chicken, veggies, potatoes
2/5 - Nacho Bar - SUPERBOWL SUNDAY
2/6 - School fundraiser - eat out
2/7 - Breakfast for dinner: bacon, eggs, hashbrowns
2/8 - Spaghetti & meatballs (make all your meatballs and sauce, freeze for later)
2/9 - Sloppy joes, french fries, salad
2/10 - Macaroni & cheese
2/11 - sausage & peppers
2/12 - leftovers
2/13 - grilled cheese & soup
2/14 - VALENTINE'S DAY - marinated skirt steak, roast potatoes, broccoli
2/15 - baked pasta
2/16 - slow cooker chicken & stuffing
2/17 - DIY Pizzas
2/18 - Fundraiser night - eat out
2/19 - BBQ Chicken, veggies
2/20 - Meatball subs
2/21 - Breakfast Burritos
2/22 - sloppy joes, tater tots
2/23 - meatloaf, potatoes
2/24 - spinach stuffed shells
2/25 - chicken enchiladas
2/26 - macaroni & Cheese
2/27 - left overs
2/28 - grilled cheese & soup

Below is the shopping list - NOTE, this is my shopping list for the WHOLE month.  It includes things like paper towels and Zyrtec.  I'll update this post with my final price for my groceries tomorrow after I have done the shopping.